Browse your hard drive to the folder containing saved images. Resize the Boardmaker window to about half the size on the screen.
Drag and drop a saved picture onto a button or background 1. To import the picture onto a page as a background, follow the above steps, but do not have any buttons drawn on the page. The picture will now appear in the button you selected. Click on the picture required, then click Open. Using the pointer tool click on the button you want to place the picture into. Make sure you do not have the Symbol Finder open. If you want to delete a picture from the Symbol Finder later, with the Symbol Finder window open, go to the Edit menu and select Cut, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X.ĩ Adding a saved picture to a button or page Importing a saved picture onto a button or to an entire page as a background means that the picture will only be available for that file. You can also assign the symbols into one category or manually choose the categories as you would if your were adding an individual picture.
You have the option of using the filenames of the pictures or manually adding your own names for the pictures. Drag and drop the selected images onto the Symbol Finder window. To select more than one image, first press the Shift key on your keyboard, then click on each picture in turn. Resize the window so it is half the size of the screen. Browse your hard drive to find saved pictures (eg My Documents, My Pictures). Resize the window so it is about half the size of the screen. Have a Boardmaker page open and make sure the Symbol Finder window is open. Click on the silly man icon on the toolbar to open up the Symbol Finder window.Ĩ Dragging more than one image into the Symbol Finder It is possible to add a number of pictures or symbols to the Symbol Finder all at once using the drag and drop method. If you add a new image to the Symbol Finder, it means that this image will be available to you in any activity you may create. It is accessed by clicking on the picture of the silly man on the toolbar. Importing a saved image into the Symbol Finder The Symbol Finder is the part of Boardmaker that enables you to search for and view images that are part of the Boardmaker symbol library collections. by dragging and dropping an image from a saved file or web page. by using the import tool from the File menu and 2. There are two main ways of adding new images to your Boardmaker creations or symbol library: 1. File formats supported by Boardmaker are jpeg, bmp, emf, wmf, gif, png. These include digital images taken with your camera and saved onto your computer scanned images clipart images directly from the web. 1Ģ How do I add new images? You can now easily import different images temporarily or permanently into your Boardmaker picture collection. There will be times that you just can t find the picture or symbol you really want from the existing collections in Boardmaker? Here s how you can add more. Personal preferences of the learner may play a part in deciding what pictures are used. Some learners may find it difficult to generalise across picture and symbol types and may need to learn and use a consistent set for communication or literacy support. Enhancing your activities by using more pictures What pictures or symbols you use in the activities you create will largely be based on the needs of the learner(s) and the task involved. The simplicity of the line drawings makes them ideal for reinforcing the meaning of text. These symbols have been developed to support literacy and to help make information accessible to those struggling with traditional orthography. A new addendum library for Boardmaker is the Widgit Literacy Symbols. There are additional (addendum) libraries that can be added to Boardmaker that provide you with more symbol choices.
#Boardmaker images free plus#
1 Boardmaker and Boardmaker Plus Version 6 HELP SHEET Importing Pictures into Boardmaker and Boardmaker Plus What graphics come with Boardmaker? Boardmaker comes to you with a library of Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) to help you easily create printable visual supports and interactive activities to help support learners of all ages.